The Engineer has very different FIDIC needs than the contactor and employer. We understand your pain points and offer the following solutions for you, the role of the Engineer in FIDIC.
Supplying of FIDIC Engineers and Contract Managers
FIDIC Contract administration alongside your Project Director to manage the contract
Drafting letters of award, notices, letters, notices to correct and other
Managing FIDIC´s timelines
Assisting from Procurement until the Taking Over certificate is issued
Contract negotiations with bidders for selecting Contractors
Claims Assessment and Delay Analysis
Dealing with complex Variations
Disputes and final account negotiations
Risk Management
Liaising with the Employer’s legal team regarding their template contract
Proven protection of the Employer’s budget
The Contractor has very different FIDIC needs than the engineer and employer. We understand your pain points and offer the following solutions for you, the role of the Contractor in FIDIC contracts.
Administering the FIDIC Contract
Assisting with FIDIC Timelines
Drafting Notices and Letters
Drafting Extension of Time Claims
Dealing with complex contractual issues
Practical implementation of the clauses
Negotiations with the Engineer and subcontractors
Procurement assessment of changes to the particular conditions
Risk management
Proven increasing profit and limiting liability
The Employer and developer has different FIDIC contract assistance needs. We understand your pain points and offer the following solutions for you, the role of the Employer in FIDIC contracts.
Selection of suitable FIDIC contract type for your project
Assisting with drafting of the template FIDIC contract
Balancing the template FIDIC contract regarding risks
Negotiations with bidders regarding Contract clauses
Dealing with Contractors' Claims
Guidance through the FIDIC contract responsibilities
Procurement strategies